Circulating Water Pumps

Imagine having long-lasting hot water the moment you turn the faucet. Water circulating systems are designed to do just that, and Aqueduct Plumbing Company has years of experience any installing water circulation systems in homes and buildings throughout Southeast Texas. In addition to faster hot water delivery, a circulating water pump will help you save energy and conserve water. That’s because when a plumbing fixture or group of fixtures is a long distance from a water heater, hot water delivery is delayed due to the time it takes to clear the unheated, sitting water in the pipes. A circulating water pump, however, keeps hot water moving through the pipes so it’s ready for immediate use. We install both wet rotor and inline circulating water pumps, which can be paired with new installations or with your existing water heater. Typically, we can install these pumps in about one to three hours, depending on the design of the home’s or building’s plumbing system.
Since 2007
Licensed & INsured