Hydrostatic Testing

Leaks in your home’s drainage system can result in costly bills and damage to your home’s foundation. If you think you might have a leak in your home, you need the help of Aqueduct Plumbing Company. We have years of experience conducting hydrostatic tests to detect leaks in drainage systems as well as pinpointing leaks through isolation tests.
What happens during a hydrostatic test?
During a hydrostatic drainage test, we first access the sewer clean-out—a capped pipe that provides access to a sewer line and allows us to clean out sewer blockages—and plug the sewer exit under your house. This drainage system directs wastewater and sewage into your city’s sewer main or septic tank. Some older homes may not have a clean-out, so we will remove a toilet near the sewer exit and plug a drainage pipe.
Then, we fill the drainage system with water. If the water level drops, there’s a leak in the pipelines under your home. Keep in mind, hydrostatic testing only determines if there’s a leak. Once leaks are detected, an isolation test is used to locate them.
Who needs hydrostatic tests?
Hydrostatic tests are usually performed to determine if leaks and/or cracks are affecting a building’s foundation. They also can be performed during the inspection process if you’re purchasing a home. This is especially true if you’re buying a home that was built before the early 1970s, as they tend to have cast-iron piping, or a home that’s had prior foundation issues.
Signs You May Have a Leak Under Your Foundation
There may be a leak under your home’s foundation if you notice any of these signs:
- Cracks in the foundation, walls, or flooring
- A sudden loss of water pressure
- Damp, discolored flooring and carpeting
- Low water levels in your swimming pool, even after refilling it
- Changes in your water meter
- High water bills
Did you know that water leaks under your home’s foundation are one of the main causes of foundation failure? That’s why it’s important to know the signs of a leak before it’s too late. When you have a foundation or under-slab plumbing issue, contact the experienced, licensed plumbers at Aqueduct Plumbing by contacting us for a free plumbing estimate.
Since 2007
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